I want to ask a couple questions:

First, do we still have the Distinction for Amelia Blaine and Crew, since they came along to the after-battle party? I’m pretty sure I can justify Suicidal Overconfidence Youthful Arrogance for trash talk (“I’m not afraid of you Johnny Storm! You’re not my mom you don’t get to tell me what to do!”), but for future reference.

Second, if we get into a physical fight and I want Sleeper to try to knock someone out with sleep gas, would that be Physical Stress, a Complication or does it depend? (And I don’t just mean for this encounter, I mean in general. It’s his name, it’s going to come up sooner or later!)

Quote Originally Posted by Plaids View Post
No problems here. I wasn't expecting these events, but I am interested in what happens next.