Quote Originally Posted by Thane of Fife View Post
Let's say that the party crowd in general is a distinction, but not them specifically - Amelia is still there, but the crew isn't really "on the job."

The book says:

"Physical stress is bodily injury, exhaustion, the effects of toxins or chemicals, and so forth.

Mental stress is confusion, lack of concentration, mental fatigue, and the results of telepathic assault.

Emotional stress is despair, fear, anger, or any number of negative emotional states."

So I would say, yes, that is normally physical stress. It could be portrayed as a complication if it was less "you're exhausted" and more "you want to go home and take a nap," maybe.
Thank you!

Quote Originally Posted by DammitVictor View Post
I should have rolled Menace as 2d8 and spent a Plot Point to create a 'Hostile Crowd' Asset.
Want me to give making the Asset a try, or double down on the emotional damage?