Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleBison View Post
It's perfectly possible for Belkar to have enough of a Handle Animal bonus to be able to win the allegiance of Bloodfeast via wild empathy. As a 14th level ranger with some amount of Charisma penalty, he'd have a +9 to +13 bonus to the check, depending on just how big his penalty is; the upper end of that range is significantly more likely than the lower. The DC for bringing Bloodfeast to a helpful attitude varies based on the starting attitude, but I would argue that Bloodfeast's attitude towards Belkar would be either indifferent or perhaps even friendly in #922; Belkar had previously had a good interaction with Bloodfeast and wasn't taking any hostile actions against him at the time. That would make the DC of achieving a helpful attitude either 30 or 20. The latter is hard but (almost certainly) not impossible; the latter is quite doable.
I guess that works. I would read the Wild Empathy rules as saying that it can't be repeated (like diplomacy). By RAW, it seems fairly clear that Bloodfeast shouldn't actually be able to understand Belkar, so the whole "I'll let you feast later" would seem to be just a speech-bubble acting as illustration of him using Wild Empathy and he shouldn't be smart enough to understand a bargain with Belkar. From a story perspective, clearly both Scruffy and Bloodfeast are treated as considerably smarter than base animals, but that's not really helpful for this thread. I guess Belkar can use handle animal after he's used Wild Empathy to improve B's attitude so maybe none of this really needs any rule-based explanation.