Quote Originally Posted by Mordar View Post
Way way off topic now, but...assuming the mind-controlled have any degree of efficacy and reasonable options (level of "reasonable" depends very much on how likely they are to make you dead before you can try other options), it should absolutely enable guilt-free defense up to and including death.

Guilt-free doesn't mean you don't feel horrible about the situation though. Grief /= guilt.

Radical topic change.

Q: Why aren't dwarves rampaging, marauding raiders? Is it really that every other race can just calmly walk away from them and they never catch up?

- M
Warhammer does have the Chaos Dwarves, capturing travellers, razing cities and carrying off the people as slaves and so on is kind of their thing. They do have the help of the much faster hobgoblins, but refugees can only run so fast anyway and the dawi-zharr can pursue for longer than most people can flee. They don't rampage very often, being more focused on their internal matters, so it's usually just the odd slave raid against the other civilisations, but from time to time they march forth with arcane guns and daemonic cannons and lay waste to all in their path before retreating with the spoils of war.

It wouldn't actually be hard to portray more traditional pseudo-norse dwarves as raiders either. Popping out of tunnels in the night to steal valuables, burn buildings and kidnap people to serve as menial labour akin to a classic bit of longboat viking piracy. In a context where they are the primary underground race the areas within a given distance of their own lands can be riddled with tunnels dug to allow dwarven raiding parties to access isolated settlements with little warning and disappear rapidly, and marching an army to their gates in reprisal could be nearly as hard as sailing to Norway or Denmark to exact revenge upon the norse would have been. Wouldn't even change the visuals much, just have non-dwarf people sweeping floors, shoveling ****, serving food and drink, acting as scribes, farm labourers and other iron-age slavery stuff when you go to a dwarven settlement.