Quote Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Why would you stop there though? Talk about their religion, their art, their culture, how they interact with one another and with other orc tribes, how they select leaders, how they select partners, how they raise their young, what keeps their chaotic evil society intact as a society of potentially hundreds if not thousands, how they migrate, if they migrate, what sort of architecture they create if they don't migrate, do they domesticate beasts, do they farm, if they don't farm how do they eat when the raiding isn't working out, how do they get along with other 'evil' humanoid races...
Well, the thing is that as a fictional race gets that sort of development it almost always trends away from being straightforwardly 'always chaotic evil'. Like that's why I think this trope is boring (in addition to being in generally poor taste). It's keeping the entire concept in an underdeveloped state because the writers think that painting an entire race as one-note evil makes killing them morally frictionless.