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Thread: Dwarves aren't cool anymore

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Dwarves aren't cool anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
    Even if you want to describe an Evil society, and explore the ways they are evil, you can do so easily without the implication that the members of that society are inherently predisposed to being evil.
    But, more to the point, being inherently evil doesn't prevent you from making a nuanced take on their society and motivations. There's a lot of flavors of "evil" and orcs probably aren't doing every single evil thing you can think of in a day.

    So, I say again, the only thing making Always Evil Orcs boring is uncreative world setting creators.
    I guess if you're really interested in exploring the specific hypothetical of "Okay, but what would a society built like a group that WAS inheriently predisposed towards evil look like" you can do that? I don't consider that an especially interesting question.
    That's okay, since I do find it interesting (and a refreshing departure from the They're Just Like Us mindset) and a good way to build better than "Orcs bite stuff and evil! So boring!" that so many people can't think past.
    Last edited by Jophiel; 2024-03-05 at 03:09 PM.