Quote Originally Posted by Batcathat View Post
We only have blade's word that is what happened though. Don't get me wrong, it is the most likely explanation but I wouldn't put it completely past blade to see AV's suggestion that someone hijacked the vote (which in this scenario didn't happen, Jeen just "won" the tie, the fluff was misleading and the lack of numbers was just due to the lucky number being zero) and take credit for it. Of course, that would mean him basically risking getting counter-claimed in case someone actually hijacked the vote, all to get a little more towncred from a bussing that should already get him a decent amount. It's a very unlikely scenario, but it exists.
"I was trying to figure out where 'Blade used a power' came from because as we had established Jeen had reached the vote count before me. I will also let folks know that I used my power against Kraken last night and got my usual answer which was so illuminating and useful. If at the end of the game I find out that my power could never actually give information I will be rather annoyed."