Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
you frequently speak elliptically around the topic rather than saying what you mean
I’m still not convinced this is wrong. When I say what I think people get mad at me. But if you think it counts as progress, we can try again.

I was told that the Tower Scene proves the Monster in the Dark is Epic.

I said it’d wipe the floor with the party.

I was told it was going to refuse to fight the party.

I said it would overshadow the plot after the reveal.

I was told it was going to fly away as soon as it was revealed.

I said that was a terrible ending.

I was told it’s a secondary character and I shouldn’t hope for a good ending from it.

This is dismal to me, one step away from waiting for the comet reveal to take us away.

But, hey, you have complete and total victory, right? It’s impossible to have a conversation in this thread except someone is at least thinking about the Protean. What is that buying you?

Crusher wishes we could talk about monsters with high AC.

Peelee wishes we could talk about something other than how hard a monster can hit.

Grey Wolf wishes we could have a conversation we haven’t had before.

No one wants to talk about the real Monster in the Dark anymore.

I tried to help. I brought up Start of Darkness and how the Protean doesn’t fit it, and I was told I was a bad person and I should switch to an acceptable topic, like how the Protean is better than any other candidate.

The Protean has ruined this thread not only for others, but for its fans as well. This is as close to direct as I can get, maybe next time.