Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
Not really an option for me.

Do have to say that having a cutscene of a desperate girl trying and failing to work up the nerve to shoot herself in the head not even five minutes in was certainly a choice. They are... Not at all subtle about the themes in this one.

Edit: Also... The **** is up with the protag? Like, "Oh the moon is green and there's puddles of blood and free-standing coffins everywhere... this is perfectly normal." Dude would not last five minutes in a horror movie.
Good ol' Minato is at the "this may as well be happening" level of suicidal depression, and his constant casual coasting through existence as a result of it is part of P3's vibe, and I kinda love it. FemPC is better, and embodies the more manic aspect of existential depression, and I also love that. Minato floats on a sea and waits to drown, Korone moves at high speeds because if she stops for even a second she is going to CRASH.