Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Good ol' Minato is at the "this may as well be happening" level of suicidal depression, and his constant casual coasting through existence as a result of it is part of P3's vibe, and I kinda love it. FemPC is better, and embodies the more manic aspect of existential depression, and I also love that. Minato floats on a sea and waits to drown, Korone moves at high speeds because if she stops for even a second she is going to CRASH.
...Okay, shot in the dark.

If P5's themes were crime and rebellion with a moral of "don't just sit idly by while tyrants ruin the lives of others to ensure their own comfort" and P4's themes were small town melancholy and ignorance with a message of "don't give up on things, be it things about your life that you like or greater concepts like the value of truth just because it comes with bad things" then...

P3 is an existentialist horror story? The opening message was something about how your time was short and make the best of it, so... I'm guessing nihilism and depression, but the message is "life has no meaning and everyone's gonna die, make the most of what you have?"

Am I in the right ballpark?