Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - Playing this on and off, currently in Chapter 5. I low-key like it, but it doesn't WOW me. Dunno why exactly.

Octopath Traveler - I recently 100%ed OT2, loved that, and am now on the final boss of OT1. I bounced off OT1 hard back when it was released, but this time I persevered. Final boss sucks, though, and I most definitely won't 100% it.

Otcopath Traveler II - Tried this when I was bored, annd WOW. It literally improved on every single aspect of OT1. This game won't let me go - I am currently looking for ideas for challenge runs or something like that to have an "excuse" to play it again. This is the first game in a LONG time that has gripped me so hard.