Quote Originally Posted by Witty Username View Post
I am more, why should cloud of daggers be unblockable and unstoppable?
Which is where the conversation seems to be going.
This is an unfortunate consequence of simple 5e removing DR and having armour just contribute to miss chance. A more complicated edition would separate these things allowing for more agency through tactics, but this would have a compounding effect on other features that are built around the simple AC system that would also need changing to adjust.

The case is that 5e doesn't have the scaffolding to support this sort of complexity. It could be built, but that is a weighty task best suited to developers who have the time and motivation to do so and get paid for it. There are other systems out there, and maybe one day a 6e will be developed (despite the current WotC crew stating otherwise) to take advantages of things like smart apps to take on the burden of complexity without taking away from the grandeur of tabletop play.