Echoing the above. An LLM is a statistical model that predicts what text might come next in a conversation and displays it to you. There isn't really an intelligence behind it to interpret any sort of meaning from that text (calling it "AI" is largely a matter of marketing it to investors), which makes any sort of continuity unlikely. (And, in fact, the LLM will tell you as much if you try to ask it certain things, like "pick a number between one and ten.")

If you are interested in using an LLM to alleviate the longstanding DM shortage, right now the best it can do is act as a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. Maybe you can use it to generate flowery descriptions of things if you're not good at that, though I'd still aggressively edit anything along those lines (not because they're going to come out badly 100% of the time, you just don't want to open yourself up to accusations of "oh you just copy-pasted that from chatGPT" if it doesn't sound like your writing/voice).

I wouldn't put one in charge of anything player-facing at this time.