Leaving the golem by the dead captain's chambers the party of evil creep back into the tower store room and slowly mount the spiral stairs upwards, pausing as they get eye level with the floor of the next chamber. Oghash's gleaming eyes piercing the darkness. This large circular chamber is the second level of the tower. This open room is where the banners and honors of the garrison are kept. Six large flags hang on the wall displaying the regimental banner, Lord Thomas Havelyn's house sigil of a rampant griffin atop the Mitran sun and other battle honours you assume must be from previous regiments.... A door leads from the tower back into the keep and the stairs keep spiralling upwards.

The next level is a key archer’s strongpoint. Arrow slits adorn its entire outer wall. Wooden racks contain the watchtower’s store of arrows. Four thousand normal arrows neatly sorted into a 200 quivers of 20 arrows each hang on these racks along with near enough two dozen longbows. Two sconces on the walls light the chamber and looking out from the window slits you can see the long stone bridge running between ramparts over the gorge to the gatehouse on the far side. Atop the gatehouse on the far side the shadows of a pair of catapults and ballista can be seen lit by lanterns carried by the men guarding that gate.

More stairs continue to spiral upwards, this time ending in a tiny chamber some 8ft square that has a stout door where someone has hung a sign that reds in crude writings "Rookery - Martin ony"