Well as pointed out, such a character would be at a huge disadvantage. However, I suspect that with enough optimization, you could make it playable.
As a start, it looks like you would need to be a small or medium, good character with 5 BAB and a bunch of skills and 2x exotic weapon proficiency.
- Bad saves could be overcome with the save replacing maneuvers.
- Attack penalties could be partially overcome by making touch attacks or finding a way to boost your attack sky-high.
- HP loss can be at least partially overcome by HP optimization or making yourself immune to damage
- Using 9 weapons at once is also not terribly difficult with either the right shapeshifting magic or playing an anthropomorphic squid or something.

So with a ton of time and effort you could make something competent... but not GOOD. If that's what you want to play for the LOLZ, there is nothing wrong with that, as long as you're aware that it will be overly complicated and not particularly powerful.