Grepha's tail ignites with flame as she approaches Nortuary but the xvart's swift spellcast slithers through the air, meeting fire with fire. The impact melds the magic together and throws the imp off balance, forcing it back and saving the inspector from a nasty stinger. The guards begin to move in, whips and swords in hand. One slips by, aiming its whip at the Leaf-zombie and cracking one whip on the tabaxi's shoulder, before turning their combined attentions to Bokono. Keen-edged steel and hefty leather tear at the elemental, but stops just short of ending its existence.

Spoiler: Map

Grepha's GFB is Counterspelled by the Xvart, causing the attack to fail. On the plus side, he blew a counterspell on a cantrip, and can't use its reaction again for the rest of the round.

The three guards move in and attack Leaf (hit once, 5), and Bokono (crit once, 16 and hit twice for 8 and 7) with their whips. They also attempt to pull Leaf prone, but he makes the DC14 Ath/Acr check. Bokono would have failed but he's immune to the prone condition. Two of them also use their bonus actions to attack with their shortswords, dealing 3 and 6 to Bokono, leaving it on 5/45HP if my maths is correct.

Senna, Sam, and Leaf are up. Senna starting her turn within Spirit Guardians provokes a DC13 wis save to halve [roll0] Radiant. Sam, Senna, and Leaf also need to make the DC14 Wis save or be Frightened of the Xvart, and therefore unable to move forwards.

N: (1d20)[15]
X: (1d20)[15]

Grepha: (1d20+5)[13]

G: (1d20+5)[12]

Senna: (1d20)[11]
Sam: (1d20+5)[8]
Leaf: ((1d20)[3]


Caelyn: (1d20)[1]
Grok: (1d20)[1]