R15T13.2: Alexandru moves south after deciding to see what he can do with this guy... He brings his sword to bear and swings at the Splatter-Man, sword going right through the chest for a relatively mighty 7 mod.

R15T13: The Splatter-Man takes a quick jaunt west through the wall, quickly enough to keep anyone from being able to hit him, and through the cell door casting is briefly heard.

R15T12: Marius, what do you do now that the Splatter Man again evades your immediate reach by being on the other side of a wall? You are in aura of misfortune stance, have strong WIS damage, ant haul is still working, and you have polearm and shield readied in hand.

Wren on deck, Paula in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES: Bless til R55T14 (+1 morale attack rolls & saves vs. fear).
Angelo: 15. Mage armor. Masterwork thieves' tools; wand of CLW.
* Light on sash.
Hargrimm: 14. Quarterstaff dropped. Buckler in hand. PRONE!!!
* Akashic Bond w/ Alexandru, Angelo, Marius, Zauberei, Wren: THP (5), +1 insight bonus on saves, DR/ 1(noted on sheets). Note that Alexandru has 2E, not 1.
Zauberei: 13.5. Quarterstaff dropped. Hargrimm's wand of lesser restoration in hand.
* Mage armor. 2 WIS damage (Z-).
Alexandru: 13.2. Warhammer dropped. Longsword & shield. 2 WIS damage.
* Collective w/ Angelo, Hargrimm, Marius, Zauberei.
The Splatter Man: 13.
* Eagle's splendor til R75T13.
Marius: 12. Polearm and shield readied. 4 WIS. Aura of misfortune.
* Ant haul (2:48 hours).
Wren: 10. Light on lab coat. Remove fear (10 min).
* CURSED by Mourning Maiden Haunt (U8, Harrowstone).
Paula: 7. 4 WIS damage (P-A). TOTAL DEFENSE!
