Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
If you can’t trust the Jedi Council to properly identify Sith, who can you trust? I s’pose an autopsy would show Palpatine had an enormous m-count too, far too high for someone to hide unless they were extremely skilled and therefore up to something. Then I guess you also have the Separatist leaders, the ones Palpatine sent Anakin to silence. Even if they didn’t know Palpatine was Sidious there’s way too much evidence of Dooku working with someone very powerful within the Senate and those guys would have all the receipts, for their own safety. It probably wouldn’t be that difficult to prove the connection between Palpatine and Sidious.
I mean...maybe? But with Dooku and Grievous dead, I don't know that there's any actual evidence connecting Palpatine and Sidious. I can certainly see Tarkin arguing the reverse, even assuming the surrendering Separatist leaders decide to try to out someone they can't identify, but were actively terrified of (so much so that one of them famously didn't give up his existence despite being arrested and on trial).

Because after all, do they know that they have someone high up in the Senate or someone high up in the Republic? Like, say, a Jedi Master and general? After all, who better to have been Dooku's secret ally then, say, an old companion and ally like Mace Windu?

Now, the midichlorian count is an interesting point. First, I'm not actually sure you can test a dead person for them? I don't know how they work, but, given the nature of the Force, it seems entirely possible to me that they die with their 'host'. Assuming they don't, there's two major questions:

1) Does anyone who's not a Jedi know about them? They don't seem to be widely known or tested for. If not, then the obvious answer to 'look at his midichlorian count, he had to be a Force Sensitive' is...'well, isn't that very convenient that you have this unknown test to identify such people that only came up after you assassinated the Chancellor?'

2) Does a high midichlorian count mean you're impossible to hide without skilled action, or does it just mean that if you get appropriate training, you can be a more powerful Jedi/Sith? It's not like everyone instantly knew Anakin was super-powerful, though Qui-Gon figures it out. Again, I see a very likely response of 'I'm sure he had the potential to be a great Jedi and may even have instinctively used the Force somewhat, I bet if you test the Senate, you'll find a lot of elevated counts! They're the most successful politicians on their planet/sector! Being convincing, understanding the motives/intentions/plans and attempting to predict outcomes are all things that they try to do and being Force Sensitive helps with all of them!'