R40T14: "Where did it go?" Vivino asks in frustration before he swings twice and bites at Brown. His first attack whiffs, the second bounces off armor, and the bite is made low on the Brown's left knee for 12 + 0 poison. He knows that it might be a minute before ingested poison to affect him.

R40T13.1: Linzi keeps her oration going, but cries out in pain.

R40T12: Linzi's orating is trailing off to the south as she seems to be moving away, but in this larger room - despite echoes - still affects Vivino.

End Round 40, Begin Round 41 ...

A claw once again tries to bring Vivino down to the ground and fails.

R41T16-14.2: Lots of blows against Vivino's armor.

R41T14: Vivino, what do you do?