I can't really get my head around Blood Hunter so I made a Gloomstalker Ranger instead.

Leif Fırisdotter
Half-Elf Gloomstalker Ranger 8
AC: 17 | HP: 68/68 | Initiative: +9
Spell Slots: 1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 3/3

Favoured Foe: 3/3
Active Effects: None
Concentrating: None
Conditions: None

I'm thinking Leif was a circus performer, with her acrobatic trick shots being the stuff of legends (if you'd believe the ringleader anyway). I kinda like the idea that the circus troupe as a whole was in some way cursed, perhaps because they offended a druid or something like that? It gives Leif a motivation to travel and find a cure for the affliction, not just for herself but the people she cares about too. What about a curse that turns people into trees? It's a pretty classic setup, the idea that out there somewhere is a bunch of circus tents where everyone inside has been turned to trees. A horrifying sight indeed.

Hmmm... What if Leif has to make a strength check if she doesn't move at least 5ft every turn, as roots and vines grow from her feet and anchor her to the ground and she needs to make a higher strength check (or get help) after every long rest because she obviously won't have moved much if at all?