R2T17: As Evaro continues trying to clear his airways, he addresses Aubrine, "see anything other than that damned mold?"

R2T15: Balazar delays ...

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

Aubrine tosses the flask right onto the wall over the flask, and there is a mighty flash and searing sound.

Azel will help with Edaro to fight off the remaining bit of the yellow mold, and Aubrine will be able to tell that the mold burned off.

Initiative Ended ...

Evaro, make three more Fort save rolls ...

Aubrine, your occultation sees a lot of seared and blackened fungus and a lot of carbon soot floating around the air. There is also a body of a dwarf, with seared mold all over it.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Torviruv. 22. Shield, wakizashi.
Deadeye: 21. Pepperbox.
Aubrine: 18. Rapier.
* Barkskin (+3 natural armor, 60 min.). DEX Mutagen (60 min). Heightened Awareness (60 min., sheet updated).
Evaro: 17. Barkskin (+2 natural armor, 30 min.). Must save each round til R5T17.

Azel: 26. DELAYING ...
Balazar: 15. Light from wayfinder. Light Crossbow. DELAYING ...
* Padrig.
Dgia: 0. DELAYING ...
