Quote Originally Posted by Mastikator View Post
If the DM wants to run an adventure where the players go to another plane, then the DM should make that possible for any given party.
Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
Or, the players need to pursue various In World contacts and options for opening that door.
I'm a little confused, aren't these the same thing? It's not like someone else is putting contacts/options in the world.

Quote Originally Posted by Mastikator View Post
If the party wants to visit a plane, but doesn't have access to planeshift, then the DM is not *obliged to give them other means.
If the party wants to visit a plane, has access to planeshift but not the right tuning fork, they may **ask to craft or buy one, it's a much smaller ask from the DM than to put a whole archmage or portal.
I already covered the portal/NPC thing actually being easier on the DM than the tuning fork - but as far as "if the party wants to visit a plane" - why would they want that unless a quest or story beat is pointing/taking them there?