Cheerful Sam | Grepha
Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
AC: 12 HP: 37/62 | AC: 13 HP: 20/32
PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
Daveorn Disguise, Sanctuary (Senna), True Strike (Grok, Grepha), Bardic Inspiration (Grok, Caelyn) | Spider Form

Weaving another bolstering spell upon his allies, Sam places a supportive hand on Caelyn's shoulder. "We haven't lost the war yet," he quietly encourages. He places trust in Senna's spell to keep their blades and whips from him; and whether by luck or divine providence, they do not find him.

Spoiler: Rolls
True Strike on Grok and Grepha again.
Bardic Inspire on Caelyn as a bonus action.

Not turn

Tabaxi Rogue 8
AC: 17 HP: 35/63
PP: 18 PIv: 15 PIs: 14
HD: 8/8d8
Restrain: 3/3 Dawn
Arrows: 7 acid, 5 fire, 7 cold
Silver Dragon Wyrmling
AC 17, HP DEAD /45
PP: 14 PIv: 11 PIs: 12
Bite +6 1d10+4
Breath 15' cone 4d8 DC13 Con Recharge 5-6
Paralyzing 15' cone DC13 Con paralyzed 1 minute

At last shaking off the fear, Leaf zips out of the cover of his allies to get a better angle, skidding to a crouch behind one of the long rows of desk cubicles. Popping out, he draws and fires an arrow tipped with blue light and icy mist.

Spoiler: Actions
Frightened cleared.
Bonus action Disengage. Move 2 SW, 3 S, taking partial cover behind the long desk.
Shoot far right soldier next to Senna.
(1d20+11)[20] to hit
(1d6+8)[12] damage, +(1d6)[4] cold damage from a cold arrow, +(4d6)[15] sneak attack damage from Senna adjacency