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Thread: Star Wars: The Acolyte official trailer

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Star Wars: The Acolyte official trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by Mordar View Post
    No one has claimed they were perfect that I have seen. Again, a substantial space (a whole galaxy?) between "did absolutely nothing wrong" and utterly incompetent.

    I think the bar has been set prohibitively high. "Retreated from the Galaxy", or are more and more outnumbered, more and more tasked? Has NASA retreated from space, or has their mission been changed? Re: Sith lords as that accurate (legitimate question)? While they may be the only group that was presented in the films that can oppose the Sith, does that make them their specialty? If it were their only job, then yes...but with hundreds of other threats and literally (right? fact-check please!) no Jedi currently alive ever having shared time with a Sith isn't it reasonable that this mythological bogeyman could manage to avoid detection? Even with an amazingly effective nationwide measles vaccination program the US still saw sporadic cases, even before any vaccine challenges.

    Even if the Jedi know Palpatine is a bad actor (which some of them certainly seem to believe) before all is revealed, should they prosecute absent evidence? Assassinate him? Law enforcement is very very regularly forced to be reactive, and despite the Jedi version of precognition, there is no Pre-crime Division. The Jedi had a great run. Someone extremely talented came along and was able to understand their weakness and, with a confluence of circumstance, ambition, planning and skill, exploit it. And he would have gotten away with it too...if it wasn't for those meddling kids who just happened to include the last remnant of the Jedi. Even the best get beat.

    - M
    See, this is where the debate breaks down. I say the Jedi made mistakes and I explain the mistakes they made, then I get called out by people who say the Jedi didn't make mistakes. I've pointed out when Anakin did something wrong, when Palpatine manipulated events to his advantage... Yet the same people ignore all that because I say the Jedi Council was arrogant about this or incompetent at handling that. It's like we can't actually have a real conversation about this stuff because the same people are so intent on absolving the Jedi of any responsibility regarding anything that ever happened. Just because nobody has explicitly said "the Jedi were perfect" doesn't change the fact that some of you are adamant they've never made a single wrong decision ever - and before you try to say that's not true, not one of the usual suspects has said "okay maybe they shouldn't have done that". The way certain people go on you'd be led to believe the responsibility for the events of the prequels was 100% Palpatine's and 0% the Jedi's and if that ain't arguing that the Jedi did absolutely nothing wrong I don't know what is.

    I mean I can literally sit here and say "the Jedi Council was wrong to not tell Anakin that Obi-Wan wasn't actually murdered and that he just faked his death so he could go undercover and foil a plot to assassinate Palpatine" and you'll have someone pipe up and say "if Anakin couldn't figure it out himself he didn't deserve to know". So y'know what I just give up. The galaxy wasn't a mess before Palpatine showed up, he did it all himself. The Jedi Council never made any mistakes, it was all Anakin's fault. The war didn't mess up a whole generation of padawans, the Jedi raised them perfectly. Did I miss anything?

    Either way it's clear that I'm just imagining all this stuff and none of it ever happened so we can just end the discussion there.
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2024-04-17 at 03:17 PM.
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