And it feels terrible >:(

He was 18 str 8 wis, giving him a -1 wisdom save
After failing a few too many wisdom saves against dominate, I respec'd him to

16 str 10 wis with resil: wisdom feat. And I grabbed a stone of good luck for another +1 all saves. He's now rocking a respectable +5 wisdom saves.

How'd the very first game go? Well he missed twice, by 1. One of those attacks was against a boss, who's death ward had just triggered. Me missing let him escape. I also failed to kill another 1.

Was this a statistical outlier? Yah, sure. But still. The -2 str was *noticable.* Taking a hit to a main stat is awful. I'm a barb! I use str literally every turn. The fact that my only option to get a half way decent wisdom save is to reduce my main stat is bu@$_&#+.

Seriously considering switching back.

/End rant