Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg actually appreciates the genius method of 'disposing' of the dockworker - he isn't dead and can't be 'revived' very easily; and, given the right materials and time spent in prayer, Ttharg himself could bring him back to 'life' - allowing the worker to be used as a potential hostage or witness depending on the situation.

Ttharg takes back the coin. "Good work, Tohil."

He turns to Siduri. "Ahoy, Siduri. There's a few things we should catch up on; but know that we all want the Captain back safe an' sound." Ttharg then proceeds to fill her in with the details of what he's learned through Bahamut (same as what he's said to Tegu, rather than typing it all out again).

"As Tohil says, we need to be on our best behaviour in there; but we should also be lookin' for ways to free the Captain if we need to break her out later. Bahamut tells me she'll face her trial by combat in twelve days, so we have twelve days to come up with a plan; an' one that causes the least problems for the upcoming battle. It be no good freein' the Captain just to have to fight Pthax's fleet alone."