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Thread: Fallout on Prime post-release thread

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Sep 2023

    Default Re: Fallout on Prime post-release thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaPhone View Post
    Spoilered thoughts:

    I dunno, that tough? We see feral ghouls go down to one or two shots.

    Could be. Could be the daughter of one, as she looks on the young side. But still, I thought her minor character arc was a good one until it took a 180 and she became like a caricature. I hope they develop/explain it better in Season 2.
    Her name is on the list of unfrozen execs in the Vault 31 terminal. She's the same as Hank and Betty. A cryo-frozen pre-war VaultTec exec.

    Also, re: Maximus lying. Dude's experiencing the first taste of freedom he's had in a long time and the opportunity to be a knight like he always wanted. If he radios back to the Brotherhood and tells them what happened to Titus, they show up, repossess the armor, and he's back to shoveling latrines and getting beaten. Having his knight die on his first outing means he's most likely never getting squired ever again, too, if not outright executed since he has two suspicious incidents linked to him now. Max is dumb, but his actions make sense viewed through the lens of his experiences. He tells Thaddeus believing they'd bonded enough to trust him, but then immediately regrets it because Thaddeus indicates he's going to do exactly what the rest of the Brotherhood would do.

    About Hank, he didn't nuke Shady Sands just because of his wife. He nuked it because there weren't supposed to be any thriving settlements on the surface to oppose Vault-Tec's society. His wife running there just exposed it to him. As for where he got nukes, Vault-Tec is implied to have enough to cause the war in the first place, so not out of the question that they'd have some stashed after the end.
    Last edited by ArmyOfOptimists; 2024-04-20 at 02:32 AM.