Well, ultimately this is always a problem with three solutions:

1.) Change it.
2.) Drop it.
3.) Get over it.

I.e. you can either stop GMing entirely and let someone else in the group take over, change what campaign you're playing, or power through.

TBH I almost never recommend the third option. You haven't shown any real desire to take option 2, so that leaves option 1 as your likely best option.

Just bring it up before the next sesh. "I'm not feeling Frostmaiden, y'all wanna do something else?"

You could always continue the current campaign, but go off-book. Most modules and/or Adventure Paths have pretty natural jumping off points in the first couple of books for homebrew campaigns to start from.

You could start a brand new campaign, though maybe throw the players a bone and start at level 3.

Or you could potentially commit to figuring out what, exactly, about the module doesn't appeal to you and...just change those parts.