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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Tabletop Thread XLIII: "This Is A New LoW For Us All"

    I mostly agree with you Cheesegear. Not just that this entire issue is pointless outrage directed at the wrong target, but frankly because it's the same old story. Something happens, internet weirdos get angry about it, and 6 months later no one even remembers it.

    People complained about Tau and Necrons "suddenly appearing" in a flash of Deus Ex Machina. People complained about it for days.... And then it suddenly wasn't a problem, both are beloved parts of the game (at least in lore, mechanically is always a separate issue). I had some rando on Facebook last night telling me that the internet was similarly outraged when Second Edition "changed everything, and I must have been hiding under a rock to not have noticed".

    You know. The Great Second Edition FlameWar of... 1993. ~5 years before the internet was commercially available on anything like large scale.

    The point that I'm vaguely meandering towards, perhaps, is this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
    "XX-Custodes are good. But retcons are bad."

    Except for the sole and entire reason that if your only army happened to be Squats, why? The stuff you have already, still works. There's new stuff if you want it, and if you don't, options to buy 3rd party or convert are available.

    MORE to the point - WHY, on such a scale that drivel from @imperiumofman88 and @hentaislaanesh69420 gets shouted out at the top of the community news? Something something social media, something something echo chambers, something something culture war, but Jesus H Christ couldn't the rest of us have learned by now not to feed the trolls?

    XLIV: Take a Shot of Paint Water
    Works for me. Can't go wrong with a bit of Good-Bad advice.
    Last edited by Wraith; 2024-04-21 at 05:58 AM.
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