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Thread: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

  1. - Top - End - #17
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    As the mayor and sin spoke, he had a sip and two of his newfound alcohol.

    "Perhaps they don't plan to sell anything, but gather it up.. sent elsewhere.." he murmured in assumption, not directly bringing it up.

    Well, atleast this fox killed nobles, there's something to respect to that. Even went out of his way to design a charlatan costume? Cheers.

    "Have you considered a pattern on his attacks? The time to get the information of the shipments and to plan the ambushes must take him a certain amount of time. Let alone figure out if the shipments are of his attention. Other than metals, has he targeted anything else? Are there going to be any new shipments any time soon? And.."
    He took a sip
    "From the nobles, who haven't been targeted yet? Has he targeted one twice?"
    He seemed.. fairly layed out, relaxed but his eyes were sharp. For someone that until this point only made jokes and jabs in the air.. he seemed to understand the difference between free time and duty, despite those two blending more than they should when he's involved.

    (“Skullduggery to sus out any hints: 119”)
    Last edited by GoggleDog; 2024-04-22 at 03:51 AM.