Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
I disagree, here are the two scenes first, second.

The first I read as the librarian merely shrugging off the issue as Obi-Wan having the wrong coordinates.
The second Obi-Wan has already done all the work, and the answer he gets is 'just go and look' - but this scene allows him to highlight a potentially very serious issue to the grand master of the order, it isn't that he needs to be told it was deleted it is that it being deleted is such a shocking thing that Yoda needs to be aware of it - if Yoda hadn't been teaching a class at the time then the same conclusions would have been reached.
You've missed the second part of the quote, I see. When you're assessing movies you need to proceed from the position that everything is there for a reason. At least until they start using ChatGPT to write the scripts.

There is a reason why George Lucas chose to show that scene in the way that he did. There is a reason he chose to have the truth spoken by a child and not by Yoda himself. It is because Yoda was making an additional point to Obi-Wan, and by doing so showing something about the state of the Jedi, even highly capable ones, in the time of the late Republic. If we were not intended to take that message away, that scene would not be in the movie, because there would have been no point in the audience seeing it.

Obi-Wan is there to learn something he could not conceive of on his own. Not because he's stupid, but because his training has closed certain doors in his mind.