Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
The idea that the clones would just turn on a dime, to use American parlance, and start shooting every Force-sensitive person within range is beggar's belief. It would never cross their minds that it was the explicit purpose of the clones to do just that and the clones themselves are in the same boat. They would die for the Jedi they serve. The idea that a chip can force them to kill those same Jedi is horrifying for the clones that learn about it, which is why there are whole arcs dedicated to some clones finding out about the chips and removing them.
Again, the first one of those arcs has a Jedi get fragged by a clone who enters into a fugue state because his chip malfunctioned

Quote Originally Posted by ecarden View Post
Jango was a gun for hire. From the Jedi perspective he was hired to provide a genetic template and then hired for other things. He goes back to Kamino for his son and because he doesn't believe he can be traced, but his arrogance is his downfall and leads the Jedi to the clone army.
That he was hired by both sides of the conflict is noteworthy. That the same dude who fathered and trained the entire Republic army was also a hired gun for the Separatists is unusual, not inexplicable for a merc to be double dealing but still strange, to the point where I don't know why Dooku and Palpatine did it.