R4T17-9: Grum growls more seeing Helena go limp and swings with one last attempt to crush the ...thing, whatever it is, that mimicked a dressing screen ... striking it for 20!
Spoiler: Inspiration
Second round fallow. Also, your E invested in Helena becomes E-burn.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

It chomps and chews and smushes on Helena, her head split in and her bones ajumble. The creature makes big slurping noises and a massive tongue licks its lips to further smush in the rest of Helena's body and gear. It then turns - without a face, mind you - to be in line with Grum. It gives a wide, lip-smacking smile.

R5T9: Grum, your essence-bound duty drops. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Mimic: 20. (7:77). GRAPPLING Helena w/o being grappled.
Grum: 9. Shield of Faith (3 min). Hardlight axe in hand. RS.
