I’m heavily leaning towards running an Eladrin, Ancients Paladin. But coming up with a backstory with the prompts from my DM is actually proving harder than I thought.

* you come from the Feywild with other Fey but something happened and you long to return.
* your memories are not clear. Is like if you miss something or someone.

I also have to keep the character as a young adult so around his 20s - which would make him around 100 years old.

I know a lot of characters end up going into the Feywild but I haven't come across one that involves the character leaving the Feywild. I want to write that he was born and raised there as the youngest son of a noble family in the Summer Court. He spent most of his time as a Spring Eladrin who is a massive flirt but gets knocked back by the women he lusts on. One day he was tricked by either his brothers/sisters, or another villainous fey into going through a worldfall event that closed behind him.

He eventually went into his Summer form, lashing out for being left there, until he wandered into a town being overrun by deadly crawlers. He lept into action battling and defeating the crawlers until they retreated. When he snapped out of his fury, he was thanked heavily by the townsfolk he inadvertantly saved. They offered him shelter and a place to rest his head. Skeptical about human folk, they eventually shared enough generosity with him that he managed to switch into his autumn form, and eventually back into his spring form. He began to enjoy his time in the material realm so much that after another bandit attack, he wanted to ensure that people or nature was protected against any unwanted evils like the crawlers or bandits, or worse.

So I wanted to come here and ask any creatives for any ideas for a backstory 😅 Thanks!