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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Default Re: [New Class] The Tactician, aka the mundane caster

    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    I'm not sure you've met your goals. Especially since it's almost purely combat-there's a few skill boosters, lifted from Maneuvers, but that's about it.
    This is a mundane class so it is OK for me not to have fly, invisibility, mind control, summoning and the like. But I want to have many combat options anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    And I feel that there's a good chance you'll end up spamming the same gambits every turn just by finding one that works well with your parry.
    Commander's Strike on a Rogue, for instance.
    I am well aware that this version is just a very improvable draft. But do you really think that, in general, my project isn't feasible with this core? I need your and other's advices. :-)

    Regarding "Commander's Strike" I can fix it or even remove it entirely if needed.

    If you were a level-5 Tactician, which 8 gambits would you choose?

    Moreover, as a spellcaster doesn't always want to cast their highest spell, the Tactician doesn't always want to use the maximum gambits each turn. And so probably, different number of gambits = different choices of gambits.
    Last edited by yisopo; 2024-04-29 at 05:38 PM.