Quote Originally Posted by Imbalance View Post
If you're intent on printing it yourself with what you have, you can piece that 13x13 into four quadrants: 1 at 7x7, 1 at 7x6, 1 at 6x6, and 1 at 6x7. If you need even more detailed instruction, we'll need to know what programs and printers you have. Print on cardstock, laminate, or glue to cardboard, and now you have the beginnings of your modular tiles collection.

It would also be worth investigating what custom prints would cost per sheet, if it's a nearby service, and procuring a drawing tube. These may not be as costly as you think.

Full color mats, especially those flipmats that Paizo prints, are another option to be aware of. There are tons of options and they're good for the cost - most are wet/dry erase friendly.

But ultimately, what you really need is full-on modular 3d terrain. I'd check eBay for used lots of Wizkids' WarLock Tiles or keep an eye on Archon Studio's Dungeons & Lasers crowdfunding campaigns. Or even Dwarven Forge, if you hate having money.

I have personally crafted/purchased and used all of these options at my table.
I don't feel the need to go whole-hog and get 3D terrain.

I have basically no paid programs available. So stuff like GIMP, Krita, Google Sheets/Docs/so on, MS Paint, all available.
Photoshop or similar, I'd rather not have to buy.