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Thread: Why DON’T you like Eberron?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why DON’T you like Eberron?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanos View Post
    As long as by impacting the world you mean that it doesn't enter the everyday lives of commoners, sure.
    Yeah, pretty much. I guess I mostly just find it boring world-building to include something as monumental as magic and then not have it change society in very meaningful ways most of the time, instead just having it as some pseudo-medieval (or pseudo- some other time period, if you want to mix things up) setting where heroes and villains occasionally use magic. Having magic be super-rare isn't exactly exciting, but at least it sort of justifies why it doesn't affect the world much.
    Last edited by Batcathat; 2024-04-30 at 06:11 PM.