Quote Originally Posted by Schwann145 View Post
Soulknife has repeatedly come up as a much better subclass than the Assassin. I won't disagree with that, generally speaking, but I would like to know how a Soulknife handles your list of critiques? How would a Soulknife:
•Learn relevant languages.
•Pass themselves off as exotic creatures like succubi or giants.
•Know things that the fake identity should know.
•Evade divinations or other means of supernatural detection.
That's just it, Soulknife has a number of these gaps too. (Even the language one - their telepathy bypasses it and works on unwilling targets, but I wouldn't be about to go around talking into the heads of strangers unless I had to.)

But you know what their subclass does give them? The ability to teleport and turn invisible, as well as turn just about any failed skill checks into successes. You can bypass quite a lot of the checkpoints where the weaknesses you listed might come into play by doing those things. Who cares about crafting an ironclad persona to let you wander around the King's gala all night without being questioned, when you can blink up to his balcony and wait for him in the privy instead, then teleport out again once the deed is done? Garden-variety skill checks should be more than enough to get me past the perimeter if the outside wall is too far from it (sure, you can have all my weapons officer *snerk*). And I didn't even need 7 days of prep time to do it.