Loxodon Rune Knight Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 22/64
PPer: 12 PInv: 10 PIns: 20
Second Wind: 1/1 | Action Surge: 1/1
Frost Rune: 0/1 | Stone Rune: 1/1
Giant's Might: 3/3
Traits: Darkvision 120ft
Conditions: --

Ondros can hear all the commotion but can only perceive what is happening out to a short range. The explosion takes him completely by surprise. He shouts in alarm and pain as tiny sharp objects pierce him. He hears the others shouting, something is wrong with Draelin. The loxodon clears the gunk from his eyes and the lab is a wreck. Nolwenn is in the cage with the prisoner, nude, and Red is huddled over Draelin, who is lying in a pool of blood. Ondros' eyes go wide, and then he rushes to Nolwenn's bag under her direction to retrieve the potion. He moves to Red's side as quickly as he can muster with the slick goo all over the floor, and hands the potion to Red, Here Red, the healing potion!