Quote Originally Posted by Shining Wrath View Post
Martellus' cat (I forget the name) is more feline than Krosp. Less human, perhaps just less practice, or more spoiled?
And once again, whose side is Seffie on? I assume her brother's, but maybe not always.
Quote Originally Posted by Agi Hammerthief View Post
on his side, but not to the extent of helping him make stupid mistakes.
I would say Seffie is on her own side first and foremost. She loves her brother, they have a genuine bond which seems uncommon among their family, and wants to keep him from harm, but she's also infatuated with Gil and still seems amenable to the idea of him ruling the Empire and marrying her, so she wants things that everyone else considers mutually incompatible. I don't recall if we've gotten her view on Tarvek at any point.

I think her ideal scenario is that she marries Gil, and then either Gil becomes Storm King with Martellus swearing fealty to him, or Gil retires to a lesser position while Martellus become king, followed by marital bliss and peace and harmony. She doesn't want to choose between her brother and the man she's in love with, and is probably willing to trample a lot of people if she thinks they're in the way.