Quote Originally Posted by stoutstien View Post
It's not avoidances as it's an incomplete statement. If there no interesting consequences for failure it doesn't need a DC so trying to figure out one is unnecessary. A random hole isn't a consequence untill the players make it one. You can't ignore this for the convenience of forum speak because it's the largest factor in play.

"I climb it" isn't good enough because it only has the who and maybe the when and lacks the how and why. If they start hammering pitons and use a climbing kit you have an entirely different potential DC. Heck maybe they have a background in masonry or stonework.

So would the DC change? Very likely because the actions and intent behind the will.
It is absolutely avoidance, as is this. There is a consequence for failure - falling down the 500' chasm. That you have decided to ignore that answers every question I had.