The prisoner reports that most are single buildings or camps in the wilderness. Each is mostly for either storage of "gathered" resources or outposts for launching raids. They are given codenames, mostly in the form of animals, colours and numbers.
Most of the sites have only one or two gangs worth of soldiers - between 9 and 15. Vehicles are uncommon except for motorcycles. Slaves and cargo are often transported from the places by trucks, cars and vans going north to the big base. Couriers going to the places are often on bikes or in sedans, to drop off supplies and messages every one or two months.
Most places have only foot soldiers and their improvised fortifications for defense. Nothing worse than maybe an automatic battle rifle or explosives. He has heard of guys who got a machine gun, once.
The locations tend to be in either small ruined towns or in the woods near a big road. Easy to hide that way. There's three within 30 miles of the lab, to the east, the south and the north-west.
Only one place he knows of, has a radio. There's a big bell tower for far-reaching alarms at one outpost (the north-western), yes. Plenty of loot kept in storage - macho piles of supplies. Bikes aplenty, but only eight cars and one van total.
The camp to the south is where the biker waves come from. They got a whole garage of tools, fuel and a junkyard. The guys at the bell tower might have a bunch of squads on standby, it did a month ago.

The Gutter disease is usually avoided with the right routes through the area.
The factory produces a lot of stuff, but sometimes weirder stuff is taken by raids, shuffled around, issued to random squads that get desperate and then call in backup on short notice. The SMGs were found in a huge stash stolen somewhere in a big Old World city ruin (was it Burlington? Springfield?) a while back, spread around because nobody really knew what else to do with them and any other SMG got called dibs by big dawgs, leaving the scraps for the lower rungs. As for the factory, that's not his department.
The prisoner has never been to Boston. He knows southern Massachusetts to be full of renegade combat robots that kill humans on sight. Springfield is a huge wreck, but it has loads of good fun drugs for sale and stashes of goodies to loot if you don't mind constantly fighting off mutant animals and disease. The Army has a few "orphanages" and training centers to raise soldiers in Mass State just on the border to Vermont, but he has not been there since he was a kid, as by design. The Army sends squads over to Springfield mostly for punishment duty, routine patrols, and scut work. Lame stuff, like scavenging supplies. The locals in Springfield are lone wandering mutants and hopeless bums who got kicked out of respectable settlements or who are on the run from Red Brick mafias. Losers you can kill by the dozens and never run out, it don't matter. Everyone else just stays out of Springfield.
The prisoner has never been further south. He expected to die in Vermont, never see any other state.
Tattoos are for identification, building in-group boundaries, stopping desertion, easier to carry then papers, don't have to remember code phrases, good for keeping score.
The prisoner shrugs. He doesn't know jack about Bread Basket operations or spywork. "Not his monk circuit keys," or whatever.

The prisoner can help with The Gutter. He draws rough maps and directions. A handful of POIs.