Anna pulls into the parking lot of the mall where she intends to pick up a drone, and then stops by the haven (as suggested), to pick up extra kevlar vests and ammo and things like that.
Unfortunately, the night is not endless. At this time of night, it's unlikely most malls and shops are closed. Please make an (Int + Computers/Streetwise -2) roll to see if Anna can find a place to buy a drone last minute with time to run back to the haven before she needs to get to the Opera House.

************************************************** *

"Yeah, no problem, just don't forget our deal," Greenlief replies flatly. He mumbles something about having a good night, then cuts the line. Moments later Rachel gets a pulse message with the requested contact information on the Gangrel named Amon.

(OOC: Don't want to assume for you what Rachel is going to do, but I assume she is going to try to contact Amon?)