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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Players characters evading direct questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Talakeal View Post
    Yeah. Werewolves are the beef. Which is why I am saying that the players aren't going to beat them in combat without a lot of allies. It's not that I am trying to railroad my scenario into that, it's just a fact of the system.

    On a tangent, I really like that the more recent editions have gotten rid of the soak mechanic. It really levels the playing field a lot.

    Of course, Bob still whines about it, because he says it's unfair that his changeling can no longer soak lethal damage (with his whopping 1 stamina), because it doesn't make him feel as special compared to the mortal PCs, but he seems totally oblivious to the fact that almost every other supernatural he would be fighting can soak better than he can!
    Why would the mortals be soaking Lethal? Vampires soak lethal because their bodies are dead and they don't care about damage to organs they weren't using anyway.

    Changelings have their weird chimerical/physical damage split and weird death consequences instead but IIRC soak bashing the same as mortals (because their bodies are mortals).
    Last edited by GloatingSwine; 2024-05-03 at 02:57 PM.