Off in one corner not too far away is the back third of a subway car so old, it may have rusted into place against the wall it crashed into.

For the rabbit roommate, it was a Godsend. While Clover was congenial and willing to help "pay the rent" or in general be 'one of the helpers' she was still a rabbit mutant and had some of her own eccentricities that were either from her questionable genetics or her crash course in humanity or both.

As such when she discovered what was left of the car she immediately moved in, cleaned it, barricaded the actual door, kicked out the window to serve as an entrance only she (and probably the cat) were able to fit through and from there turned it into into a veritable hutch. Often, gentle, tinny music or children's programs from yesteryears could be heard from whatever media player she had managed to scavenge, but otherwise she was quiet and kept to herself unless she was needed.

And there was no music playing when Arsenal returned.

The hatch she put over the window she kicked out slowly opened before Clover tumbled out without much noise, cautiously approaching the others, looking down at her large, bare feet.

"I... I wanna help too!" she says a bit too loudly, ears drooping, That kind of cure all should, um, be available for all people, at least I think." she stuffs her hands into her jacket's pockets, waiting for, perhaps, some sort of approval, or at least basic agreement.