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Thread: Marvel 2099: Street Rats IC

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Marvel 2099: Street Rats IC

    Hey, as long as a sample gets to the Thorites, I'm more than happy to cause their data to forcibly enter the public domain...

    Dex disagreed fundamentally with their father on the worth of the megacorps, in that he, Corp Enforcer Raphael Foucault, thought they had some and they, Street Urchin Dax Foucault, intuited from body language that people were happier in the halcyon days of checks on unbridled greed. But hitting and burning a Corp that the Bloodguard didn't protect was, to Raphael's thinking, free advertising, so his wayward progeny was more than happy to sign off on the Alchemax job.

    The others certainly didn't need to know Dex had left that door open when they left the Bloodguard. If they ever wondered why Dex could afford prescription pills but not fresh food, though, the others would guess pretty quick.
    Last edited by Feathersnow; 2024-05-04 at 12:25 AM.
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