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Thread: Torchwood [OOC]

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Torchwood [OOC]

    Spoiler: Recruitment Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    Spoiler: The Comic Creators
    You work... Well, worked, for The Comic Creators. An indy comic and graphic novel group, owned by Mr. Duffin. He was an odd fellow, but a personable one. Your job was about what you'd expect, for a startup group like that. Long hours, maybe not enough pay, but enough for bills and always the promise of more. And the crew were friendly, so it made it tolerable.

    Of course, that changed on a day where nothing went right. Your charger broke without you realizing it-so your phone was dead when you woke up. Because your phone was your alarm, you also woke up late, and had to rush out to get to work. You went in, not noticing the unusual situation in the parking lot. None of your coworkers' cars, just black vans.

    When you went inside, you made it halfway to your spot, when someone stopped you. Tall, bald security person-no one you knew. It was only then you realized something was up-but of course, it was too late by that point.

    There was a flash of color, a brief moment of pain, and then the darkness of unconsciousness.

    You woke up in an unfamiliar room. There was a note on the bedside table.
    Spoiler: Overworked At The Hospital
    Hospitals are always busy. People are always getting hurt and needing help. But you do your job-your duty, if you want to wax poetic. You took this job to help people, and help people you do. But stress is a hell of a thing, and you could feel yourself fraying.

    It didn't help that the patients just weren't getting better. Post-surgical patients seemed to be doing alright, but no one got well enough to leave, and people kept coming in. The hospital was running out of rooms fast.

    Then, during an overnight shift, everything went to hell. There were crashing, screaming, alarms and power outage. You started doing your job-from a sleepy shift to rushing people out. You got a lot of patients out before something hit you in the back of the head-something that went squelch, but hit hard enough to knock you out.

    You woke up in an unfamiliar room. There was a note on the bedside table.
    Spoiler: Abnormal Astronomy
    At a prestigious college, you work with the talented Doctor Quill. Doctor Quill, a middle-aged woman with thick glasses, is an expert of all things astronomy, and you were eager to learn from her. Sure, a lot of the work was tedious-collating data, managing spreadsheets, making sure instruments stayed level... But you were learning a lot, and gathering important scientific data.

    But things started adding up wrong. As one of the doctor's best students, you both spent hours, poring over the results, trying to figure out what could possibly be causing these kind of results. You worked away at it for weeks, and then one night, you got a call from her. She told you that she thought she had it-and wanted you to come in to confirm it.

    You got there too late, though. The building was on fire, everything destroyed. And before you could even start to grieve, some thugs grabbed you, shoving a sack over your head and manhandling you into the back of a van. The van sped off, and then tipped over. Your head met the side of the vehicle, and everything went dark.

    You woke up in an unfamiliar room. There was a note on the bedside table.

    Spoiler: The Note
    You have been in an accident. You encountered something you should not have. And so, you are faced with a choice.

    Forget about it. Wake up tomorrow and go back to your life, ordinary as the day you were born.

    Or help make sure that everyone else can keep living their ordinary lives, safe and happy.

    You do not have to choose immediately. You will be able to learn more before you decide.

    But be prepared.


    Spoiler: Recruitment Info
    System: Freeform!
    Player Count: Up to four.
    Style of Play: Action! Adventure! Working through the supernatural and paranormal world that you never knew was real!
    Allowed Content: Feel free to draw inspiration from just about any media and your imagination.
    Character Creation: A simple forum post works for your PC sheet. A google doc or something if you want to be fancy, but make sure I can access it!

    • Backstory: Skirt Length, See Other Notes.
    • Experience: Competent at your job, but new to all this.
    • Wealth: Per Backstory.
    • Alignment: Heroic.

    Other Notes: You do not HAVE to pick from the existing prompts. If you choose to make something different, I'd like a short vignette that ends with you being knocked out and waking up in the room, but really, have fun with this.

    Follow-up note: Make sure your character will say yes to joining. The game's not fun if you decide to go back to regular life!

    Please post once, and then allow the other players to post before you make any second posts.
    In said post, include your character details, as much as you've got so far.

    IC Thread
    Last edited by JNAProductions; 2024-05-06 at 11:55 PM.
    I have a LOT of Homebrew!

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