Quote Originally Posted by Quizatzhaderac View Post
I think I'll start with NV, unless fallout 1 is basically free.
Back when games came on discs, I got Fallout 1&2 in a combo pack for, IIRC, $2.99. So I'd be surprised if you can't get 1 for "basically free".

But I'd recommend NV anyway. The only problem with starting there is that it's basically downhill every way. Plus we may have built up your expectations.

I have this theory that a good game (or other longform fiction) should essentially "lie" about what it's overall structure will be. Or to put it another way, early expectations should be broken.
Well, I think plot twists are pretty generally recognised as a key part of good storytelling, and most games have them to some extent. But some work better than others.