Quote Originally Posted by Errorname View Post
If that was all the resolution the Ark got, if Indiana just beat the bad guys and took the treasure and put it in a warehouse, I would call that not particularly dramatic. However, that scene is preceded by an insanely iconic climax where the Ark plays a pivotal role where the movie pays off all the set up of the Ark's power.

The Ark is technically not even a Macguffin, not in the original definition at least, it's properties aren't irrelevant and you couldn't easily swap it out for something different with no effect on the plot. True Macguffins aren't bad, nothing wrong with watching some fun characters kill each other over a big diamond or something, but it's not what the Ark is and I don't think it's what the Snarl is either.
So you're saying the Ark is a great analog for the Snarl, and also that it's easily possible for a compressed epilogue after the villain has already been defeated to be dramatic for the Ark (and, thus, for the Snarl).

So what, is your issue that it hasn't happened yet and thus never will or can? Because this seems pretty directly relevant to your statement that it cannot be dramatic.

Also, ignoring that the linked scene is arguably much more iconic than the island scene.