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Thread: The Boys season 4

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2023

    Default Re: The Boys season 4 official trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by Infernally Clay View Post
    Given it's the penultimate season I do expect this one to end on a massive downer. Ever since they introduced the election subplot I've been wondering if that's where things go south really hard, with Homelander running for - and winning - the presidency.

    You can see in the trailer itself that Homelander is talking about how the country is corrupt beyond repair and they're going to save it, how he's reforming the supes into wrathful gods... It certainly could lean that way and that would certainly raise a very good question for the final season.
    I wonder if they'd go the route that makes a bit more sense given how much they like to mirror recent events and people: Homelander runs for the Presidency and loses, then leads the supes in a successful coup. Could go either way really, depending on whether they want an all-out war final season or to keep to the underground nature of The Boys.
    Last edited by ArmyOfOptimists; 2024-05-05 at 08:06 PM.